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Working On Making Your Home Injury-Proof For Seniors

For the many Canadians who live with their elderly loved ones, making their homes as injury-proof as possible is a top priority. It goes without saying that seniors are more susceptible to falling down and hurting themselves than their younger family members. Tasks that may appear simple and mundane to the rest of us can be harrowing experiences for senior citizens.

Climbing up and down the stairs, using appliances in the kitchen and going to the bathroom are all daily activities that most of us take for granted. For both the elderly and those with mobility issues, however, these everyday tasks can easily lead to injuries. Statistically, slips and falls cause the majority of those injuries.

“Falls are the leading cause of injuries among Canadians 65 years and over,” reports The Safe Living Guide issued by the Public Health Agency of Canada, “Between 20% and 30% of community-dwelling Canadian seniors experience one fall each year. Research suggests that falls are the direct cause of 95% of all hip fractures, leading to death in 20% of cases.”

What can be done to injury-proof your kitchen?

If you live in a home where an elderly person resides, it’s a good idea to place non-slip mats in your kitchen area. Even though this is a piece of advice generally reserved for bathrooms, there’s no reason to allow the slippery surface that is your kitchen floor to cause an accident. It’s also wise, of course, to wipe up any spills immediately. The kitchen floor doesn’t need any assistance in becoming even more slippery.

In addition, as Dr. Danielle Martin points out on CBC.ca, it’s important to store dishes, food and other necessities within easy reach. That way, there will be less need for stretching and reaching in ways that may cause some aches and pains. “Use a stable step stool with a safety rail,” she also recommends, “When cooking on the stove, always turn the pot handles towards the back and away from the edge of the stove.”

What can be done to injury-proof the staircase leading to your front door?

It’s always important to remember that your porch is as much a part of your home as all of the rooms within it. Naturally, you and your elderly loved ones need to enter and exit the home safely. To prevent injuries, the Public Health Agency of Canada suggests that you create an outside checklist to ensure that a few important safety measures are taken.

They recommend that your entrance has an outdoor light, your stairs, pathways and decks have railings and good traction, your front steps stay free of clutter, snow or leaves, your mailbox is within easy reach and the number of your home is clearly visible from the street.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we’d also recommend that if the senior or individual with mobility issues in your home is having a hard time getting up and down the staircase leading to your front door, you install a porch lift.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions about the porch lifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions. Give us a call at 647-350-4488 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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