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Mobility Scooters | New & Recycled

Access your community at a greater distance with your mobility scooter

A mobility scooter is a cost-effective alternative to an electric wheelchair. Its primary use is for a user that needs assistance traveling longer distances, but is not as dependent for mobility as a wheelchair user would be. A mobility scooter can have three or four wheels, a place for the driver to rest their feet and a steering column to control the turning and direction of the scooter.

There are two types of mobility scooters: 3-wheel or 4-wheel scooters, both can be used indoors and outdoors. 3-wheel scooters provide a tighter turning radius whereas 4-wheel scooters provide better stability and balance. 4-wheel scooters tend to be offered as more heavy duty or ‘off road’ models as well.

Mobility scooters are available in different sizes to suit your specific needs.

Mobility scooters are a great solution for those without the stamina or arm/shoulder flexibility necessary to comfortably operate a manual wheelchair. They allow users to travel great distances, safely and confidently throughout the community – to the park, to a grocery store or visiting friends and family etc.

Basic features of a mobility scooter

Mobility scooters are designed for ease of use and comfort, including:

Upgrade options are available!

For example: power swivel seat, choice of seat upholstery colours, power footplate, custom rail colours etc.

Travel greater distances and access your community with confidence

We represent numerous manufacturers of high quality mobility scooters including:

For more information, book an in-home or virtual no-obligation consultation or call us anytime at 416.267.9800

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