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Why The Elderly Should Not Take Personal Hygiene Lightly

We all know the importance of personal hygiene. Or do we? If we’re being honest, there are days when we just don’t pay as much attention to our cleanliness as others. A weekend after a long and hard work week may have us staying at home in our pyjamas without so much as washing our faces for the day.

Then again, the coronavirus pandemic has taught us all to wash up as often as possible. If you’re a senior, this is especially important. In order to maintain optimum health, elderly adults should never take their personal hygiene lightly.

It promotes optimum health.

Currently, keeping clean couldn’t be more important. If we’ve learned anything from having to contend with the coronavirus pandemic, it’s that cleanliness is a must in order to keep healthy. Regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer should be the norm for all of us. But, for seniors, maintaining personal hygiene is a necessity in the battle against infections and other illnesses.

“As the saying goes, health is wealth,” says Louise Savoie of Cam Caregivers, “The more your senior loved is able to remain free from dirt and grime, the less likely they will be able to contract any infections or be at risk for other related diseases as well. For bathing and hygiene tips, you can also ask for advice from your senior family member’s care provider.”

It boosts happiness.

Who doesn’t want to feel good about themselves? Sometimes, seniors refuse to bathe or keep clean, in general, because they are in bad moods. When you encourage better personal hygiene upkeep, it can help an older person regain his/her happiness. One way to do that is to motivate the older adult in your life to remember he/she can do things independently. By washing up unassisted, your elderly loved one will feel better both physically and emotionally.

“Health and hygiene go hand in hand and are equally important at any age to happy,” insists Miami Home Care Services, “Seniors face a double whammy because they are more susceptible and become less capable over time. Noticing your senior parents hygiene is an early warning sign for other problems with their ability to care for themselves. Seniors who want to stay independent need to maintain good hygiene to keep healthy and control their own destiny.”

It encourages greater socialization.

Does the older adult in your life tend to shy away from interacting with others? Before the pandemic, was he/she hesitant to participate in social gatherings? If so, your elderly parent may be suffering from some emotional stress that is the result of feeling a lack of confidence. Does he/she complain about his/her personal appearance? By encouraging stricter attention to personal hygiene, your elderly loved one may gain greater confidence when socializing with others.

“Remaining social for seniors is important because it allows them to continue being mentally active as their age advances,” contends Savoie, “But if you don’t like how you personally look or smell, would you be interested in getting in touch with other people or joining public events? Probably not.”

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we proudly offer a wide variety of home bathroom modifications to help make keeping clean easy for seniors. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page.

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