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Why It’s So Important For Seniors To Keep Clean

As we get older, we tend to allow the physical changes to our bodies to impact how we operate. Naturally, diminished strength and balance will prevent us from engaging in high-energy activities. Then again, for some older adults, seemingly simple everyday chores can also present challenges. Bathing is among them. It’s important, however, for us all to maintain good personal hygiene. But, for seniors, it’s absolutely imperative to keep clean.

Senior citizens may neglect their cleanliness routines for several reasons.

It’s important to keep in mind that an avoidance of the bathroom isn’t necessarily voluntary. On AgingCare.com, Carol Bradley Bursack reveals that many older adults may not want to bathe due to emotional distress. Depression, a loss of self-respect, dulling senses, fear, discomfort and even boredom are listed as reasons that seniors may not keep up with their cleaning practices.

“It can be easy to simply lose track of time and not realize how long it’s been since they last showered,” she explains, “(This can be compounded by actual memory loss, but more about that in a moment.) Furthermore, if there isn’t company coming over or an outing coming up, then what’s the point of exerting the energy to get all gussied up and just sit around the house?”

Why is it so important that seniors keep clean?

It should come as no surprise to you that keeping clean is a healthy choice. Naturally, an avoidance of dirt and bacteria is an important way to avoid ailments and illnesses. Healthy living is the most obvious reason that keeping clean is necessary. In addition, keeping clean is good for one’s mental health. A regular cleanliness routine is of particular importance to individuals struggling with dementia.

“Personal hygiene usually requires some form of a routine, which is not only good for preventing health issues, but it’s also good for the mind,” informs Seattle’s Fedelta Home Care, “Doing things in repetition is never a bad thing and, as you get older, the more crucial it becomes to exercise your mind.”

Feeling good and looking good go hand in hand.

Taking the appropriate measures to keep clean also helps for one’s physical appearance to improve. Avoiding skin issues, preventing dental problems and stopping body odour are all benefits of maintaining a regular personal hygiene routine. Unfortunately, members of our older population are often stereotyped as individuals who don’t always smell so great.

“When seniors neglect personal hygiene, they can also run into body odour issues,” notes Fedelta Home Care, “This is another reason why seniors need to bathe regularly. Body odour can also come from wearing dirty clothes. Some seniors might not even realize that they have a bad odour, but it can be something that affects others and a sign that body hygiene needs to be worked on.”

LifeCare Mobility Solutions can help to keep your elderly loved one clean!

We offer a number of high-quality home bathroom modifications. These are physical changes made to one’s bathroom to accommodate the changing needs of seniors or those with disabilities. To learn all about our home bathroom modifications, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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