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Why It’s So Important For Seniors To Exercise

You’d be hard pressed to find any medical professional who doesn’t believe in the benefits of exercise. Of course, we’re all made up of different shapes and sizes, so the types of exercise we all need will vary from person to person. For some of us, heavy weightlifting is a huge key to the ambition of gaining muscle and keeping fit. For others, a steady cardio routine is part of an ideal weight loss plan.

And then, for many others, light exercise is all that is necessary for optimum health. Senior citizens fall into this category. You’re not likely to find any health expert recommend that older adults attempt to bench press several hundred pounds. If you do, stay away! Instead, seniors are generally advised to engage in light exercise to help improve their overall health and well-being.

“There are countless studies that prove the important health benefits associated with exercise, and it becomes more important as we age,” reports The Green Fields Continuing Care Community, “Regular physical activity helps improve mental and physical health, both of which will help you maintain your independence as you age. Below, we outline five benefits of exercise for seniors and aging adults.”

Which exercises are safe for seniors to perform?

Walking will always top the list of exercises that are recommended for everyone, not just seniors. But, of course, light walks are good ideas for older adults who can still maintain control of their mobility. What about seniors who have mobility issues? For them, it’s best to find exercises that can be done from stationary positions – most notably, a seated position.

According to California Mobility, “exercising on a regular basis (preferably at least 30 minutes per day) will not only keep an aging adult’s heart healthy, but can also prevent strokes, heart attacks, falling, high blood pressure, and chronic diseases such as dementia. Not everyone over the age of 65 is able to move agilely or even out of their seat, but this shouldn’t mean that they can’t exercise. So many regular exercises can be done while using a chair as a mobility device.”

On their website, California Mobility provides a step-by-step visual guide entitled “21 Chair Exercises for Seniors”. It details a variety of different chair exercises for seniors and includes expert advice from professionals in the health industry that could help seniors in becoming more active.

Seniors should consult a doctor before attempting any exercises.

California Mobility stresses that before any chair exercises are started by older adults, a doctor is consulted. This is especially important for seniors who may have recently gone through surgery, had any recent injuries that could be agitated by overusing a particular muscle or set of muscles or can’t physically perform the perfect posture during any exercises.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we strongly believe in “safety first”. If you live with an elderly loved one who has mobility issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our high-quality stair lifts and many other mobility solutions. Call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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