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What Are The Benefits Of Working With A Family-Owned Business?

Happy New Year! From the LifeCare Mobility Solutions family to your family, we wish you a very safe and joyous 2022. If there is anything we can do to ensure your safety and happiness this year, please don’t hesitate to let us know. At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, family means a lot to us. You see, we are a Toronto-based, family-operated business.

We care about your mobility needs and work to provide a full solution from products, to in-home consultations and equipment maintenance. As well, we work closely with Occupational Therapists and community-based agencies within the GTA. This helps us to best serve our clients and those who have mobility and accessibility equipment needs. But there are many other benefits to working with a family-owned business.


Family-owned businesses have penchants for being trustworthy. Naturally, staff members have an innate trust of each other, given that they are often members of the same family. They have each other’s backs and therefore work collectively to offer the same type of support to their customers. At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we believe that being a family-owned business helps to bring out the best in everyone.

Pennsylvania manufacturer, PennFab, Inc. agrees. “Employees know the upper management well and feel like they have a voice within the company,” says their website, “Creating that aura of trust from top to bottom helps bring out high-quality work in the employees and provides them with an atmosphere where they can go to management with any concerns they may have without fear of retaliation.”


Family-owned businesses tend to think about their long-term plans a lot more stringently than other firms. This is because of the tendency of family-owned businesses to be passed down from generation to generation. Plans for future success are often devised well in advance of their implementations. The U.K.’s Vistage International provides the example of Otto Group, a second-generation multi-billion dollar retailer founded in 1949.

The current CEO took over the business from his father in 1981. Immediately, he began to investigate the possibilities that computer technology could offer. “As a result, the brand moved into ecommerce in 1995, becoming profitable in its online sales activities by 1998,” the Vistage website informs, “The company has never been publicly traded, and still remains a family affair.”


Family members care about each other. This isn’t to say, of course, that people don’t care about those who aren’t in their family. But the goes-without-saying love that is shared between family members often helps for empathy to be a part of each person’s personality. This is conveyed towards all non-family employees and customers as well. The care and concern we show our staff and customers is absolutely legitimate.

“To truly connect with employees, business owners must show a level of empathy that makes staff feel like more than just a cog in the machine,” insists PennFab, “This is a common pitfall in corporate organizations, where upper management is often too far removed from their staff to feel this sort of empathy.”

If you have any questions about the products offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call our family-owned business at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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