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Utilizing Exercise To Keep Your Elderly Loved One Upright

For many Canadians, the fear of having their elderly parents fall down and hurt themselves is a very prevalent one. On the LifeCare Mobility Solutions Blog, we regularly highlight the fact that slips and falls are the causes of the vast majority of hospitalizations among older adults in Canada.

What can we do to help prevent our elderly loved ones from falling? The first all-important step is to know that it all stars with the senior. In other words, you can take all of the safety measures you can think possible. But without efforts from your elderly loved one to improve his/her balance and mobility, a slip or fall will most likely be inevitable.

It’s vital that seniors remain active.

Building strength and mobility and improving balance starts with ensuring that the body is capable of staying upright without assistance. That, of course, would be the ideal solution. To improve chances of avoiding falls, seniors should regularly participate in light workouts. According to Belgium’s Stannah Stairlifts, regular exercise helps the body build strength and remain limber.

“A moderate exercise plan such as a brisk walk 3 times a week can improve mobility and ultimately promote a healthier lifestyle,” they note on their website, “Additionally, try making a concerted effort to (safely) complete menial tasks around the house before you seek assistance.”

Spend time in the pool.

There isn’t much of a risk of falling while in a swimming pool, is there? All jokes aside, swimming is an excellent way to help seniors gain strength and mobility. Not only is it a fun activity, but it works to utilizes various muscles throughout the body, improving overall strength. The U.K.’s Prestige Nursing + Care highly touts senior swimming.

“One of the reasons many elderly people enjoy the public swimming pool is because of the way water works with our bodies,” the site notes, “It supports us as we float and if warmed, it can ease aches and pains. It also has additional benefits when we move in it, because the water creates friction which makes our muscles work a little harder with each movement.”

A chair isn’t just for sitting.

Lifeline.ca points out that there are numerous exercises seniors can try in order to improve strength and balance – and many of them involve a chair. They include such routines as back leg raises, side leg raises, toe lifts, shoulder rolls and the single limb stance:

“Here’s how you do this one: stand behind a steady, solid chair (not one with wheels), and hold on to the back of it. Lift up your right foot and balance on your left foot. Hold that position for as long as you can, then switch feet.”

Power lift chairs minimize the risk of falling.

Once all of the exercising is complete, it’s best to have your elderly loved one sit in a comfortable seat. Power lift chairs aren’t just comfortable seats! They ensure that seniors are able to safely get from a standing position to a seated one and vice versa. Designed to look and feel like a home recliner, such as a La-Z-Boy, a power lift chair lifts and lowers its user into the position of his/her choice.

For more information about the power lift chairs offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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