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The Importance Of Keeping Your Elderly Loved Ones Warm

Autumn is in full swing. Thankfully, here in Toronto, temperatures haven’t dipped too low just yet. So far, we’re still enjoying double digit days. Nevertheless, the inevitable is coming. It’s only going to get cooler as the weeks pass by. Many people are already preparing for the winter. You never know when those digits will drop closer to the freezing mark. For seniors, this is a time of year that definitely requires attention.

It should go without saying that we all have to find ways to keep warm during the coldest months of the year. But this is especially important for older adults. What steps should be taken to keep your elderly loved ones warm?

Don’t skimp on the heating bill.

We get it. When the cold arrives, many Canadians fear the increased heating bills they’re bound to get. So what they do is keep their in-home temperatures as low as possible without feeling uncomfortable. However, seniors are a lot more likely to feel cold at temperatures their younger counterparts are fine with. If you live with an elderly loved one, we strongly suggest you don’t let your impending heating bills deter you from keeping your home warm.

EasyClimber.com agrees with us. “It may be tempting to lower your thermostat to save a few extra dollars,” acknowledges the site, “However, any home that’s lower than 68 degrees (20 degrees Celcius) can pose a risk for seniors, especially in a poorly insulated home. At a minimum, keep your thermostat above (20 degrees) and ensure your windows and doors are well insulated, which will only help you save on your heating bills, and ultimately stay warm.”

Stay hydrated.

We all know that eating warm foods and drinking warm drinks are regular winter activities. But did you know that the more water you drink, the better you’re able to endure the harsh temperatures? As Dominique Curtin points out on HomeCare.com, hot tea and soup is a wonderful way to keep your body temperature warm from the inside out. However, she also highlights the need for seniors to stay hydrated.

“Make sure your senior loved one is still drinking 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day,” Curtin advises, “The winter weather brings very dry air which can be damaging (and painful) to skin. Also, (of course) you want to make sure they continue to stay hydrated.”

Be sure to cover your extremities.

We’re basically talking about your arms and legs. While it may appear obvious to bundle up during the coldest days of the year, it’s important to pay particular attention to the hands and feet. In some cases, you may need to place thermal socks on your elderly loved one’s feet. In lieu of those, you may wish to double up! Gloves are important too.

As EasyClimber.com points out, seniors may have some trouble regulating temperatures in their extremities. This “can result in poor blood circulation to the hands and feet,” says the website, “Consider wearing dry gloves, thick socks, and a good pair of boots when going outdoors to prevent heat from escaping your body.”

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we’d love to help the older adult in your life have a safe and enjoyable fall season! Learn all about our mobility solutions by calling us at 416-267-9800 or emailing us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page.

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