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The Importance Of Elder Care: What To Watch For

The Public Health Agency of Canada continues to maintain that the public health risk associated with COVID-19 is low for the general Canadian population. However, they admit that this could change. There is also an increased risk for Canadians who are aged 65 and over, have compromised immune systems or have underlying medical conditions. If you have an elderly loved one in your life, it’s more important than ever to watch for certain signs of ill health.

Is the senior in your life maintaining proper personal hygiene?

This is not just a coronavirus talking point. Maintaining good personal hygiene is an integral part of preventing the spread of just about any infection. Topping the many lists of illness prevention methods these days is the recommendation that we must all wash our hands regularly. Using soap and warm water, the process should take no less than 20 seconds. Of course, as a rule of thumb (pun intended), the hands aren’t the only body parts to keep clean.

As Senior.One founder and CEO, Evan Thompson shares on ThriveGlobal.com, “general personal hygiene includes skin care, mouth care, hair care, and shaving. Keeping the skin clean and dry is extremely important, as most seniors are susceptible to bedsores and skin infections, especially those having physical limitations. Keep their teeth clean. Brush at least once a day. Keep hair short as it is easy to maintain.”

Is your elderly loved one eating the right foods?

Naturally, our metabolisms slow as we get older. We can’t expect our bodies to burn calories like it did when we were kids. It’s always a wise choice to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. However, seniors should be especially cautious about eating foods containing too much sugar, salt and fat. Drinking plenty of water to ensure proper hydration is also a key to healthy living.

“The digestive system slows down with age, so high-fibre fruits, vegetables and whole grains are as important as ever,” affirms Jennifer Wegerer on APlaceForMom.com, “Because seniors are prone to dehydration, they should drink plenty of water to stay energized and sharp.”

Is the older adult in your home getting enough sleep?

Not surprisingly, many seniors have trouble sleeping. Between the aches and pains that come with the aging process and the constant need to use the washroom (further evidence of advanced aging), a good night’s sleep can be hard to come by. Not to mention, melatonin, the hormone that governs our sleep patterns within our bodies, decreases in older adults.

As Wegerer points out, “frequent waking and insomnia in the night are common among seniors. Turn the lights down in the evening to spur drowsiness and make sure the senior’s bedroom is comfortable, cool and quiet.”

To help your elderly loved one get better sleeps at night, you should invest in a home hospital bed. It promotes better sleeping comfort by adjusting the bed positioning with proper therapeutic mattress surfaces. Home hospital beds are perfect for individuals who have hard times getting in and out of bed, have sleeping issues or insomnia or are bedridden.

For more information about the home hospital beds offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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