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Securing A Happy And Safe Halloween For Seniors

Happy Halloween everyone! Today is a very special day for youngsters all over Canada. And tonight’s annual celebration of ghouls and goblins will culminate in the ever-popular act of trick-or-treating. For the most part, we see Halloween as an enjoyable occasion for kids who get to don spooky costumes and visit their neighbours for free candies. It goes without saying that ensuring the safety of children is a vital part of this evening’s festivities.

Most of us don’t think about seniors on Halloween.

After all, elderly individuals aren’t known for partying or going out for candy. Of course, this doesn’t mean that seniors can participate in the fun. Many of them choose to decorate their homes and hand candies out to trick-or-treaters. As a result, on Halloween, it’s just as important to take measures to ensure the safety of the elderly loved ones in our lives.

“On Halloween there can be an increase of safety and security concerns for elderly who live alone, and especially those with Dementia and/or Physical limitations,” writes Certified Senior Advisor, Pati Rader on her website, “Contributing factors may include; decorations, falling leaves, wet pavements, decreased daylight hours, change in weather conditions, and more. Some of these risks can be avoided or minimized by carefully considering what adjustments can be made.”

What steps can be taken to secure a happy and safe Halloween for seniors?

While it can be fun to decorate your home for Halloween, if you have a senior living with you, it may be best to keep all floors, entry ways and porches free of decorations. This tip actually tops Rader’s list of safety measures. The objective, of course, is to eliminate tripping hazards. To also help keep your elderly loved one from slipping and falling, you should add night lights to hallways, walkways and rooms to keep them well-lit. This is actually a great year-round recommendation.

Carving a jack-o-lantern to alert treat-or-treaters that you will be participating in the Halloween festivities is a good idea. However, as Rader insists, you should use only safe pumpkin carving tools and light the pumpkin with a flameless device.

Don’t leave your elderly loved one alone.

This is probably the most important piece of advice to give out to those who wish to celebrate Halloween. Help out with the candy distribution and be sure to place a “Sorry, no more candy” sign on the door when you run out. It’s best to minimize the number of times your doorbell rings especially when the senior in your life gets startled easily or simply wishes to turn in for bed.

If you and your elderly loved one choose not to participate in any Halloween festivities, it’s still a good idea to ensure he/she has a companion for the evening. By having someone stay with your older relative, you will help to diminish any possible fear that is associated with the potential of people approaching the front doors of the home.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we care deeply about the safety of seniors. As a result, we proudly offer an array of mobility solutions and home healthcare products to help optimize their safety. For any questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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