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Recognizing The Renewed Importance Of Bathroom Safety For Elders

In an effort to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the vast majority of us are staying at home. For seniors, this is especially important. Highly susceptible to the ill effects caused by COVID-19, older adults are cautioned to remain as safe as possible. But with more time spent in the home comes a greater responsibility to keep it safe for the seniors who dwell within it. Particular focus should be placed on the bathroom.

Reduce any clutter that exists in the bathroom.

The home of an elderly person should be void of clutter. By removing potential tripping hazards, you significantly decrease the chances of your elderly loved one falling and getting seriously injured. Arguably, the bathroom is the room where you should place your highest clutter-reducing focus. In addition to clearing the floor of tripping hazards, your cabinets should be organized so that locating and reaching for necessities doesn’t cause any harm.

“It’s recommended that you keep the bathroom clean and organized,” notes Nurse Next Door, “We recommend having storage cabinets installed (such as under the sink) so you can keep bottles of shampoo or shower gel in shelves instead of on the edge of the bathtub or lying around the floor.”

Supervise the bathing process.

This one may not necessarily be to your elderly loved one’s liking. Surely, everyone can understand that a lack of privacy isn’t exactly a welcomed thing. But keep “safety first” in mind. It’s important to consider both the physical and mental capabilities of the senior in your home. “Better safe than sorry” is another euphemism that comes to mind when considering the act of supervising one’s bathing process.

“If you want to ensure bath safety, you can also have a caregiver assist and supervise one’s shower,” says Nurse Next Door, “Support can mean helping your senior loved one in and out of the tub and waiting outside the bathroom. Or more hands-on care such as assistance with actual bathing and grooming etc. You can learn more about what personal care services a home care company can provide to give you peace of mind.”

Use a transfer bench or shower chair.

Taking that fairly large step into a bathtub is often a dangerous undertaking for an older person. Certainly, if he/she is contending with mobility issues, it can be a hazardous step to take. To avoid the potential of any injury-inducing tumble, utilize a transfer bench. It will help make the transition into the tub easier. As well, a shower chair allows a senior to sit during a shower. It  ensures that a slip and fall is highly unlikely.

“Because a lot of bathroom accidents involve slipping in and around the tub or shower, a bench or bathroom chair is recommended as a safety precaution,” says Kaz Weida on SafeWise.com, “Look for a sturdy model with suction that provides a nonslip grip and has adjustable height and bars. A backrest can also help stability, and it’s a good idea to look for a model that’s versatile enough to accommodate transfer from a wheelchair.”

Transfer benches and shower chairs are just two of the many bathroom modifications offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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