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Maximizing Comfort And Safety With Home Hospital Beds

Anyone who has ever spent time as a patient in a hospital knows the benefits that are provided by hospital beds. Unlike traditional beds, these beds can elevate and change into various positions to provide maximum comfort to their occupants. Now, imagine having that type of comfort in your own home. For those who have endured injuries and for the majority of Canadians over the age of 75 who could use some assistance getting in and out of bed, a home hospital bed is an ideal solution.

Home hospital beds allow individuals to increase sleeping comfort.

Because home hospital beds allow their users to adjust positioning, they assist with the processes of getting in and out of bed. For example, some beds may be considered too low to the floor for their users. As a result, their users are required to use extra effort to either bend down to get into the beds or stand up to get out of the beds. By adjusting the height of a home hospital bed to provide more comfortable access, a user is able to stand up or sit down with much greater ease.

Home hospital beds help to minimize soreness and bedsores.

For individuals who have to spend extended periods of time in bed, a lot of pressure on their bodies is endured. Because home hospital beds can be adjusted into different positions, pressure is shifted to other parts of the body, alleviating the major cause of soreness and bedsores. The position adjustments also help with circulation and breathing.

Home hospital beds assist caregivers with transferring.

The ability to raise and lower a home hospital bed provides many benefits to caregivers as well. Without the ability to raise the bed, a caregiver is required to bend over to assist the bed’s user with getting up. By removing the issue of height from the equation, a home hospital bed saves a caregiver from putting undue pressure on his/her back. Less upper body strength is required to help an individual to get out of a bed that is at a raised level.

On Caregiver-Aid.com, a writer named Georgia provides an excellent summary of why home hospital beds are so beneficial: “Hospital beds can be lowered or raised according to the person’s height. There are bedrails on both sides. Each bedrail can be lowered or raised, or removed as needed. The head of the bed can be raised to assist the patient in sitting up and in getting to the side of the bed to stand up. The head of the bed can be lowered when the patient is settled and ready to rest. The bed is on wheels so it can be positioned and moved around the room and around the house.”

LifeCare Mobility Solutions offers a number of home hospital bed options.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we are proud to carry a number of top-quality home hospital beds, including those from Invacare, Drive Medical and Blake Medical. If you have any questions about the home hospital beds offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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