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Making Your Home Safer In 2022 By Having A Stair Lift Installed

With 2022 now in full swing, it’s possible you’re already making good on your New Year’s Resolutions. Then again, if you’re like most people, you may have already stumbled on your way to fulfilling the promises you’ve made to yourself. At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we would like to do our part in helping you and your loved ones avoid stumbling at all costs. And we mean that literally.

Do you or anyone in your household suffer from a mobility issue? To be more specific, are there any concerns about safety when it comes to climbing up or walking down the stairs? Needless to say, a staircase can be a dangerous place of a person who has any problems with balance or weakness in their lower extremities. If you’re looking to make your home a safer place in 2022, you should resolve to have a stair lift installed.

A home stair lift promotes independence.

A home stair lift is a motorized chair that slowly and safely glides up and down a set of stairs. It is affixed to a metal rail that is mounted to the stair treads. It enables a person with physical limitations to independently access different levels of the home. This helps to both provide individuals with greater self-confidence and relieve caregivers of some responsibility.

Stair lifts can be mounted to either straight or curved staircases. Straight stair lifts are fitted to staircases with no bends. Curved stair lifts are fitted to staircases that have one or more bends and require a custom designed curved rail. As well, a home stair lift can be mounted either inside or outside.

What are the basic features of a home stair lift?

It runs on battery power. That means that it will remain functional during a power outage. Stair lifts also fold up when they are not in use. That means they create no obstruction to any member of the household who wishes to walk up and down the stairs. There is a safety system that stops the stair lift if there is something on the stairs. As well, each stair lift comes equipped with a seat belt to ensure maximum safety.

Who benefits most from having a stair lift in the home?

As mentioned, having a stair lift gives people more independence. It provides safe self-controlled rides up and down the stairs for those with mobility issues. It also gives other members of the household fewer responsibilities to help with stair climbing. A stair lift, therefore, benefits everyone in the home. With that said, it only makes sense to highlight the fact that stair lifts are great at preventing injuries.

The truth is that slips and falls on stairs happen to people all the time, regardless of any mobility limitations. On behalf of the Ontario Bar Association, Nabi Goudarzi reports that “Canadian and American annual statistics show that stairway accidents result in numerous serious injuries and significant financial losses. A 2017 study in the US reported that over a million stair-related injuries are treated in emergency departments every year.”

If you have any questions about the stair lifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, or to book at an in-home, no-obligation consultation, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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