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Keeping Your Home Autumn-Ready To Prevent Falls

The fall season is practically here! This Saturday, it becomes official. The summer season will give way to autumn and picturesque landscapes complete with fallen leaves and porch-sitting pumpkins will become the norm. While autumn certainly has its charms, it also comes with unique challenges. This is especially true when it comes to maintaining safety in and around your home.

To prevent falls during the fall, it’s crucial to keep your home maintained, both indoors and outdoors.

Tackle those leaf piles.

As the leaves change colour and gracefully tumble from trees, we’re often tempted to create massive leaf piles for the kids (or ourselves) to jump into. However, these piles can conceal hidden hazards like rocks, sticks or uneven ground. To prevent falls, it’s essential to regularly clear your yard of leaves and debris. Use proper tools like rakes and leaf blowers to keep your outdoor spaces clean and safe.

As well, be sure to inspect your walkways and driveways for cracks and uneven surfaces. These can become treacherous when covered with fallen leaves or wet from autumn rains. Repair any damage promptly and consider adding non-slip mats to your entryways for extra traction on rainy days.

Prepare for unpredictable weather.

The fall season is known for its rain showers. When combined with fallen leaves, rain can turn your outdoor spaces into slippery zones. To stay safe, keep pathways clear. Install outdoor lighting to improve visibility during those early evening darkness hours. Investing in non-slip footwear is also a smart move. These shoes provide extra grip and stability when navigating wet and leaf-strewn surfaces.

Winnipeg Regional Health Authority stresses the importance of wearing footwear that fits snugly. “Laces or Velcro fasteners are good choices as they allow you to adjust the shoe to your feet,” informs their website, “Avoid slippers and flip-flops since they are poor fitting and can be dangerous…The sole of your footwear should have a good grip. Wear shoes with a non-slip sole in your home rather than socks or slippers.”

Make illumination your friend.

While outdoor maintenance is crucial, it’s important not to forget about indoor fall safety. Days get shorter during the fall. As a result, we all rely more on artificial lighting. It’s vital to ensure your home is well-lit. Adequate lighting reduces the risk of indoor falls by illuminating potential hazards. Replace burnt-out bulbs promptly and consider installing motion-sensor lights in key areas, like hallways and stairs. In the evening, use nightlights to prevent stumbling in the dark.

“Regular night lights that plug into wall outlets are a great choice for bathrooms, bedrooms, and hallways,” reports DailyCaring.com, “These lights might use some extra electricity and batteries, but improved lighting is one of the simplest ways to reduce your senior’s risk of falling. The ‘cost’ of a fall, both to your senior and to you, is HUGE compared to the actual cost of maintaining a well-lit living space.”

Install a porch lift.

A porch lift or vertical platform lift allows individuals with rollators, wheelchairs and scooters to easily access raised locations inside or outside your home. Porch lifts are practical for both indoors and outdoors and can be adapted to satisfy your specific needs.

To learn all about the porch lifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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