Do you live with an older adult who battles with mobility issues? If so, you are likely concerned about your loved one falling down and getting hurt. This is understandable since the primary mobility problem that older people experience is falls.
As Comfort Keepers points out, “older bones break more easily, heal less quickly, and may not heal completely. If a hip is fractured, canes, walkers, or wheelchairs might be permanently needed. If the senior is afraid of falling, address it, or he or she may become afraid to move around.”
So what steps should be taken in order to help your elderly loved one improve his/her mobility?
Encourage regular exercise.
We all need to exercise. Add good nutrition to the mix and you have an extremely simple recipe for enjoying optimum health. Seniors are no exception to this rule. While no one would recommend heavy weight lifting for an older adult, a life comprised of regular light exercise is one that has a reduced risk of falling. As Ben Isaac notes on behalf of Home Care Assistance, exercise increases balance, eases arthritis symptoms and enhances coordination.
“Popular choices among seniors include walking, swimming, and ballroom dancing,” he details, “Those with more severe mobility issues should consult with a physical therapist to find suitable exercises.”
Look into the possible side effects of medications.
It is not all uncommon for seniors to take prescription medications. While their meds are important, it’s vital to understand the side effects of each one. Be sure to go over the prescribed medications with the physician of your elderly loved one. Understand their possible influences over balance and alertness. Many medications cause drowsiness or distraction. Of course, this could lead to injury-inducing falls.
Eliminate tripping hazards in the home.
Tuck away wires, push furniture closer to the walls and get rid of those throw rugs. Anything that your elderly loved one could trip over or bump into needs to be addressed. It’s also wise to consider what the older adult in your home wears on his/her feet. Slippers with good tread on their soles are good ways to help prevent trips and falls. Comfort Keepers offers up a few other suggestions for how to keep your elderly loved one from falling in your home.
“Pay special attention to safety equipping the bathroom and kitchen,” stresses their website, “Use rubber appliqués or mats, raised toilet seats, and handrails where necessary. Clear the home of clutter and loose rugs or wires. Good lighting is essential; use night-lights in bathrooms, hallways, and, if needed, the bedroom.”
Select an ideal mobility solution.
“Walking assistance tools can be a great way to restore mobility,” proclaims Isaac, “Try to choose an aid that helps your loved one overcome limited mobility while still encouraging him or her to remain active.”
At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we offer a wide range of high-quality mobility solutions that help seniors to get around safely and avoid dangerous falls. Among them are mobility scooters, wheeled walkers and rollators. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!