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Home Hospital Beds Provide Safety And The Sound Sleep You Need

Considering that most of us spend approximately eight hours per day asleep, it’s fair to say that sleeping is a pretty important part of our lives. Somewhere around a third of our entire lives are devoted to getting the full-bodied rest that is necessary for us to restore our energy, rejuvenate our minds, grow our muscles and repair our tissues. However, there are particular situations that can make the supposed-easy practice of sleeping a little more difficult.

For many individuals, getting in and out of bed is a hardship. In some cases, it’s simply a result of the decreased strength and mobility that comes with aging. In others, it’s because of a debilitating injury. And then there are those who experience issues with sleeping such as restlessness and/or insomnia. For these individuals, sleep aids are necessary. And, quite often, the best possible sleep aid is a bed that maximizes comfort.

How do home hospital beds help to maximize comfort?

A home hospital bed is a sound solution to the many problems that people have with getting a full night’s worth of rest. Unlike conventional beds, home hospital beds allow users to adjust their positioning. While lying in the bed, a person can choose between raising his/her upper body or lower body and create a seated position without exerting any energy. This makes it a lot easier for people with mobility issues to feel more comfortable getting in and out of bed.

Home hospital beds use proper therapeutic mattress surfaces. This helps for individuals who spend extended periods of time in bed to minimize the pressure that conventional beds exert on their bodies that often create soreness and bedsores. By adjusting their positions, users can shift pressure to other parts of their bodies. This also helps to improve blood circulation and even breathing.

What other benefits come with adding a hospital bed to your home?

Caregivers find that it is much easier and safer to transfer their loved ones from their beds to their wheelchairs when a home hospital bed is used. Because hospital beds allow their users to position themselves higher or lower to the floors, it becomes a lot easier to get out of the bed, even without assistance. This is particularly important for individuals with hip and knee issues. Hospital beds help them to get up from their beds while in seated positions.

Home hospital beds can also be easily disassembled for transport and storage. Additional options such as IV hooks, safety rails and over bed tables are also available.

At LifeCare Mobility, we offer a variety of high quality home hospital bed products from various manufacturers including Invacare, Drive Medical and Blake Medical. We also offer rentals. Our home hospital beds are available for rent for a minimum of one month. We’d be happy to arrange for the installation of the home hospital bed of your choice in any room of your home that you’d like.

Please don’t hesitate to call us at 647-350-4488 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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