Welcome to our very first blog entry of 2019! On behalf of the entire LifeCare Mobility Solutions team, we hope you had a fantastic holiday season and that you’re enjoying a very happy new year so far! In 2019, we will remain steadfastly committed to providing the absolute best combination of mobility solutions and customer service in the Greater Toronto Area. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who entrusted us as their provider in 2018.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to help your elderly loved ones stick to their New Year’s Resolutions!
Get back in touch with an old friend.
It should probably go without saying that loneliness is one of the biggest hardships faced by older adults. In addition to the fact that many of their friends may no longer be with us, many seniors are left at home throughout the days while their family members are off at work and school. Helping your elderly loved one to get back in touch with an old friend would be a great way to start off 2019. It will certainly help to resolve feelings of loneliness.
“It’s not always easy remaining close to friends who don’t live right down the street,” notes Sunrise Senior Living, “But there are dozens of resources you can use to rekindle old friendships. Make a telephone call, send an email or reach out to one of your childhood buddies via Facebook or another social media platform. Make it your goal to keep in touch and possibly schedule a get-together in the near future.”
Eat a healthier diet.
Far too many seniors are on several medications at once. And, in many cases, their illnesses can be treated by exercising and eating healthier foods. Limiting sugary treats is especially important. Try to encourage your elderly loved one to increase his/her fruit and vegetable intake while cutting down on the candies and chocolates.
“It’s easy to reach for that sugary treat after dinner,” Sunrise Senior Living acknowledges, “But consuming those not-so-healthy choices every night may eventually lead to weight gain, high blood pressure and other chronic issues…Fruits and dark chocolate make excellent natural alternatives if you need to satisfy a sweet craving.”
Take measures to prevent slips and falls.
Yes, it’s a new year. But one fact will continue to remain the same. Slips and falls cause more injuries to Canadian seniors than anything else. It’s vitally important that you safeguard your home so that tripping hazards and slippery surfaces don’t become culprits for a tumble.
“Falls are the leading cause of injuries in older adults, and in fact, one in three older adults fall each year,” confirms Hallmark Homecare, “There are steps you can take to help prevent a fall as well as exercises that can increase your strength, balance and flexibility…Remove items like rugs from the home that can cause you to trip and fall, and add night lights to help you see better in the dark. You can also install grab bars in the shower and seek out other equipment that may help with mobility.”
At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we proudly offer a wide array of mobility solutions, accessibility devices and bathroom modifications including transfer benches, walk-in tubs and grab bars. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!