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Err On The Side Of Caution By Installing A Porch Lift



Porch lifts provide access to homes to those who have physical disabilities. When the use of a wheelchair, rollator, scooter or even a cane is necessary, getting up the front steps can be a harrowing experience. Erring on the side of caution is a wise choice. Installing a porch lift beside the front steps of your home will eliminate the risk of slips and falls that could cause significant injuries.

Also known as a vertical platform lift, a porch lift can be used both indoors and outdoors. Not unlike an elevator, it is designed to provide a slow, safe and smooth ride to bypass a flight of steps. For those who have trouble accessing raised locations either inside or outside the home, a porch lift is an ideal solution.

What are the basic safety features of a porch lift?

A porch lift is equipped with all-weather protected controls and switches; an emergency stop and safety switch; high, solid, side platform walls; top and bottom limit switches; a non-skid platform and an automatic folding ramp. Brought together, these elements ensure that a person with a mobility issue can safely control his/her journey up and down stairs without the worry of falling and enduring a serious injury.

It’s important to note that porch lifts also work wonders in the “emotional upliftment” department. Let it not be lost on you that the emotional state of your disabled loved one is every bit as important as his/her health and physical well-being. Porch lifts help to restore one’s independence. Because they can be controlled by their users, no assistance is required for a person with a disability to get up and down the stairs.

People who recently encountered their mobility issues can find it hard to cope.

A recent debilitating injury can take its toll on a person’s emotional state. When you’ve lived your entire life in an able-bodied state, it’s a major adjustment to have to depend on a mobility solution to get around. The once-simple task of walking up and down stairs may not be so simple anymore. As you can imagine, this can be an emotionally painful scenario to get used to.

“For a person who was not born with a physical disability, it often takes time to adjust to the emotional and physical challenges their physical disability now poses,” affirms LumenLearning.com, “The person may have many different feelings about their situation. They may feel frustrated or even angry that they can’t perform tasks they used to. They may have anxiety about not being able to work and provide for their family while they are recuperating (healing).”

A porch lift takes up less space than a ramp.

This is one of the top reasons to install a porch lift in front of your home. Ramps provide wheelchair users with much easier access to the front doors of where they live. However, they take up a lot of space. As a result, they are generally more costly. Not to mention, maintenance can be a pain in the neck. Consider how much shovelling is required during the winter!

If you have any questions about the porch lifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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