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Eliminate The Fear Of Falling In Your Home With A Stair Lift

Are you living with an elderly loved one?

If so, you undoubtedly have concerns about his/her safety and well-being. And these concerns are well-founded. Naturally, seniors are more susceptible to slips and falls. And statistics show that falls are the most common causes of injuries for senior citizens in Canada.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, “falls are the leading cause of injuries among Canadians 65 years and over. Between 20% and 30% of community-dwelling Canadian seniors experience one fall each year. Research suggests that falls are the direct cause of 95% of all hip fractures, leading to death in 20% of cases.”

Where in the home are seniors most likely to fall?

The truth is that falls can take place anywhere. A throw rug that is bunched up can create a tripping hazard. Any bathroom of the home is common place for slips and falls due to their slippery and wet surfaces. And stairwells can present problems considering the extra effort it takes for seniors with mobility issues to climb upwards.

This is especially true when obstacles are present on the stairs. It should go without saying that, in homes where seniors dwell, walkways should be kept completely clear. It’s reasonable, of course, for our elderly loved ones to fear the potential of falling knowing that any tumble can result in a very serious injury. And it is this fear itself that can actually increase the likelihood of falling.

“Seniors who fall may limit their activities for fear of falling again,” says the Public Health Agency of Canada, “Yet by limiting activities, they are likely to lose strength and flexibility and increase their risk of falling again. Maintaining physical activity is essential if you wish to prevent falls and injury.”

What can be done to eliminate the fear of falling?

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we have had the pleasure of bearing witness to life-changing results when our clients install stair lifts in their homes. Stair lifts help to eliminate the fear of falling as they provide smooth and safe access to various levels of the home. With comfortable seats and simple toggle controls, users can use the stair lifts to get up and down the stairs with ease.

We’re particularly proud of the Bruno stair lift – a product that has provided our clients with safety and comfort for many years. Its quality and design are top-notch. 100% North American-made, the Bruno stair lift is designed to fit any stair configuration imaginable. Both straight and curved stair cases can effortlessly be accommodated. As well, a Bruno stair lift can easily be folded and stored out of the way when it is not in use.

Offering our clients Bruno stair lifts allows us to confidently maintain our commitment to reuniting people with their senses of independence and peace of mind. Bruno offers a Gold factory warranty that we couple with our service labour promise. As a result, our stair lifts guarantee our clients years of worry-free usage!

We offer three main types of Bruno stair lifts: the straight indoor stair lift, the curved indoor stair lift and the outdoor stair lift. Please don’t hesitate to contact LifeCare Mobility Solutions to learn more about our Bruno stair lifts. Give us a call at 647-350-4488 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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