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Creating A Safer Bathroom Environment For Your Aging Parent

Does your aging parent find it difficult to use the bathroom independently? If you live with an elderly loved one, one of your top concerns is likely his/her safety. This is especially true when he/she is alone in the bathroom. Does your mom or dad battle with a mobility issue? Does he/she have some trouble with maintaining balance? If so, a bathroom revamp has likely already been on your mind.

What are some of the changes your bathroom may need to keep your aging parent safe?

Get those throw rugs off the floor.

Many people like to adorn their bathroom floors with colourful rugs and mats. While these can certainly help add to the inviting decor of many bathrooms, they can also present tripping hazards. They are dangers for elderly individuals who aren’t so steady on their feet. Remove those throw rugs and opt for non-slip mats if you insist of having something cover the tiles.

Anneliese Peterson of Walker Methodist completely agrees with us. “Eliminate throw rugs in the bathroom to avoid trips and falls, or consider installing rugs with grips on the bottom”, she instructs on their website, “However, to be extra safe, remove bathroom rugs all together as they are a tripping hazard.”

Place all necessary items within reach.

It’s important to not have a cluttered bathroom if you want to keep it safe. Toiletries and cosmetics should all be kept off the counter and the floor and stored neatly in cupboards and cabinets. However, they shouldn’t be placed up too high. Anything that is out of reach may present a danger for your elderly loved one. You don’t want him/her to have to stretch, bend or climb on anything to grab a necessity.

“One way to ensure that all their products are within arm’s reach is to install a shower caddy,” informs AgingInPlace.org, “The best types are those that can be mounted on the wall since the suction cup models tend to fall off the wall. Another idea is to incorporate a dispenser on the wall of the shower. This way, you won’t worry about shower gel bottles or bar soaps slipping from their hands during use. Moreover, it’s easy for the elderly to refill the dispensers.”

Make use of bath seating.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we offer a wide variety of home bathroom modifications. Among them are transfer benches. These help wheelchair users get in and out of bathtubs with little or no assistance. We also offer bath lift chairs which allow you to safely lower into and rise out of your bathtub.

“Bath seating in a shower or tub is a great bathroom safety tactic – and they can be easy to install,” says Peterson, “For extra safety, consider adding bath seating as well as a grab-bar, making it easy to enjoy a shower without the fear of falling. Bath seating is available in various styles to meet the needs of all seniors.”

If you have any questions about the home bathroom modifications offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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