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Battles With Balance Are Bad News In The Bathroom

For older adults, problems with balance should be regarded as a very serious issue. As we’ve pointed out in a number of previous blogs, slips and falls are top culprits for major injuries and hospitalizations of seniors in Canada. Naturally, having a balance issue can present dangers. And this is especially true in the bathroom.

“Balance issues, weakness, frailty, and cognitive issues like Alzheimer’s can make that simple activity difficult and even dangerous,” notes DailyCaring.com, “As challenging as using the toilet might be, it’s also important to help them preserve as much dignity and independence as possible.”

Grab bars are essential in bathrooms used by seniors.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we look at grab bars as must-haves in homes where seniors live. As balance and mobility diminishes with age, the opportunities for injuries to occur rises. Grab bars, by their very nature, give bathroom users something to grab onto. Naturally, this enables them to steady themselves in order to prevent slipping and falling. Of course, slippery surfaces in bathrooms make people more susceptible to falling, regardless of their ages.

“Installing grab bars in and out of the tub or shower and next to toilets can allow older adults to steady themselves as they transition in and out of the tub or on or off the toilet,” mentions Stephanie Struyck Elgin of Shield HealthCare, “The placement of the grab bar is important. The bars should be in easy-to-reach places to help support balance. They should also be placed at a height that will allow the individual to gain hold without having to reach too far up or down.”

Adequate lighting in bathrooms is equally important.

It goes without saying that you need to be able to see your way around in order to prevent injuries in the home. Because seniors are often prone to getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, it’s important to install night lights and/or oversized light switches. That way, it will be much easier for them to avoid tripping hazards and see those grab bars to steady themselves when in the bathroom.

“Make sure the bathroom has ample lighting is key for preventing falls or other injuries,” insists Anneliese Peterson of Walker Methodist, “By keeping the room well lit, it’s easier to see if there’s anything on the floor that could become a hazard. Lighting is particularly important for seniors with vision problems or balance issues.”

Let LifeCare Mobility Solutions make your bathroom safer!

We’re very proud to offer a wide array of bathroom modifications that are designed to make your bathroom a lot safer. Among our products are oversized light switches, night lights and grab bars. We also offer transfer benches, walk-in tubs, roll in showers, bath lift chairs and shower chairs.

If you have any questions about the bathroom modifications offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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