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A Guide To Keeping Older Adults Free From Illness

At present, the coronavirus is headline news. Very sadly, it seems as if the infectious disease, also known as COVID-19, is quickly becoming a worldwide epidemic. At the time of this writing, there have been more than 90,000 reported cases across the globe. More than 3,000 of those cases have resulted in death. As you may have guessed, elderly people are among those who are most susceptible to being impacted with the illness.

At present, Canada has only 27 reported cases of the Coronavirus, with 18 of them, here in Ontario. Thankfully, the Public Health Agency of Canada has assessed the public risk associated with COVID-19 as low. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take precautions in order to protect ourselves.

Take steps to keep yourself and others healthy.

The Coronavirus is known to develop flu-like symptoms, even though it is not the flu. To protect yourself and others from any infections, wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds on a regular basis. This is especially important before and after eating, after you have used the washroom, blown your nose, coughed or sneezed.

According to Valencia Higuera on Healthline.com, washing your hands should be a regular routine all year-round in order to maintain good health. “Viruses can live on surfaces for up to 24 hours,” she informs, “It’s possible to become ill if you touch a virus-covered surface and contaminate your hands, and then touch your face.”

You definitely want to avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. Always cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and discard it in the trash right after. As well, be sure to stay at home if you are feeling unwell.

Avoid increased risk of pneumonia.

COVID-19 is making front page news these days. But that doesn’t mean seniors shouldn’t continue to protect themselves against other illnesses. As revealed by Sarah Stevenson on APlaceForMom.com, “the American Academy of Family Physicians reports that more than 60 percent of seniors over 65 have been admitted to hospitals due to pneumonia.”

She points out that maintaining excellent hygiene is an important way to strengthen the body’s defences against pneumonia and other infections. Healthful, illness-preventing practices include the elimination of cigarette smoking, staying active with plenty of exercise and eating a nutritious diet.

“A key to preventing pneumonia is keeping the immune system strong so that it can fight off infections,” writes Stevenson, “Make sure your parent follows appropriate nutrition guidelines for seniors and get the vitamins and minerals needed to boost health. Important vitamins for the immune system include vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.8”

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we care deeply about keeping people of all ages healthy.

A big part of our mission statement, however, is helping both the elderly and those with mobility issues to live more comfortable, independent lives. If you have any questions about our mobility solutions and home healthcare products, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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