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Finding Safe And Fun Summer Activities For Seniors

The LifeCare Mobility Solutions team is well aware that we have approximately six weeks to go until the summer officially arrives. However, you can’t blame us for getting a little bit excited. For many Canadians, the summertime is the best season of the year. Warm and sunny days make for many fun occasions. This is true for people of all ages including seniors. Older adults can certainly enjoy the summer too! Naturally, it’s wise to ensure they’re doing so in safe ways.

Let’s explore some safe and fun activities for seniors.

Enjoy water-based activities.

The summertime and water play go hand in hand. Kids seem to especially love any summer activity that involves the water. Going to the pool or beach, enjoying a slip-and-slide and throwing water balloons are among favourite activities in the summer. Are water-based activities ideal for seniors? According to Vineyard Senior Living, seniors can have just as much fun with water, during the summer, as their younger counterparts.

“Swimming and water aerobics help you beat the heat while also staying fit,” notes their website, “Water-based summer activities for seniors are usually low-impact and great for individuals with arthritis or stiff joints. Other low-impact exercises include yoga, chair tai chi and balloon volleyball.”

Take a leisurely stroll.

It sounds like the simplest advice in the world. And it is. However, the benefits of walking for seniors need to be highlighted. By taking regular walks, older adults will strengthen their muscles and maintain their weight. Doing so lowers their risks of heart disease, stroke and colon cancer. Walking also helps seniors to strengthen their bones, preventing the onset of osteoporosis. In addition, walking reduces blood pressure and improves balance.

“Walking strengthens bones, improves mobility, and decreases pain which is crucial to those over 65,” affirms Sacramento’s Senior Helpers, “Going on a nice walk to the nearby park or around your hometown helps relieve stress and gives you a nice change of scenery.”

Try bird watching.

Among the outdoor activities recommended by Vineyard Senior Living are morning walks, evening walks, watching the sunrise and watching the sunset. They also promote bird watching. “Find a spot in the shade for bird watching,” suggests their site, “Bird watching can be entertaining and engaging as watchers attempt to identify different birds.”

As Vineyard Senior Living explains, sunlight is a great source of vitamin D. It can help fight osteoporosis, anxiety and depression. “Vitamin D also boosts the immune system and improves brain health,” says their website, “Getting outside for even a brief period, should be a priority for all aging adults–especially those fighting memory diseases.”

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we’re committed to the health and safety of your elderly loved ones during the summer and all year round. If you have any questions about the products we offer that can help in that regard, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

Be sure to ask us about our scooters and walkers that can assist seniors with safely enjoying the outdoors this summer!

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