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4 Benefits Of Home Hospital Beds

Not all beds are created equal. And no one knows this more than individuals with mobility issues. Quite obviously, those who live with physical limitations place comfort and safety at the tops of their priority lists. This is especially the case when it comes to getting in and out of bed.

Home hospital beds enable users to sleep comfortably as the beds can have their positions easily adjusted. They provide the ideal solution for those who have insomnia, are bedridden or have to spend extended periods of time in bed. Because of the bed’s adjustable nature, it helps to ease the pressure exerted on the body that can cause bedsores.

As you may have guessed, there are numerous benefits of home hospital beds. Here are just four:

1. They make it easier for caregivers to transfer loved ones to and from the beds.

Home hospital beds can be raised and lowered. This is a great safety feature that ensures that users don’t have trouble getting in and out of their beds. The lower the beds are to the floor, the easier it is for users to step out of the beds. However, when caregivers are called upon for help, they don’t have to worry about hunching over as the beds can be raised. This allows them to comfortably and safely lift their care recipients out of the beds.

2. They allow for aging in place.

Also known as “aging at home”, the concept of living in one’s own familiar surroundings as he/she gets older is a comfortable and enjoyable one. The saying “there’s no place like home” is more than a simply euphemism. It’s the truth. An older individual with mobility issues may need the help of a caregiver to perform daily tasks, but it doesn’t mean he/she is comfortable living in a nursing facility. Simply put, home hospital beds allow for at-home care.

3. They eliminate confinement in the home.

With traditional beds, users with mobility issues often have to remain confined to their bedrooms. And that’s because there’s no way to move their beds. Home hospital beds, on the other hand, have wheels. That allows them to be easily moved from one room to another, if necessary.

“With a traditional bed, one is usually confined to one room,” the Vital Mobility Blog further explains, “At best, it might be possible to move to a couch or secondary bed on occasion. For someone dealing with long term care, this simply isn’t a very enjoyable way to live. Nobody likes being stuck in one position in one room. However, electric beds allow for easy transportation. They’re designed to allow caregivers to easily transport patients around a house or other living environment.”

4. They make caregiving easy.

Home hospital beds allow for such options as IV hooks, safety rails and over bed tables. Therefore, in the event that professional medical care is necessary, it can still be provided in the home. And the risk of falling out of bed is taken out of the equation. As well, meals can be eaten without the worry for having to get out of bed.

If you have any questions about the home hospital beds offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 647-350-4488 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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