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3 Top-Notch Elder Care Tips To Practice During These Tough Times

There’s never been a time more important than now to ensure the good health of the elderly loved ones in your life. Needless to say, the coronavirus pandemic has changed life as we know it for all of us. While the majority of us are staying at home and practicing social distancing, it’s vital to remember that the seniors we care for need extra special attention. As you know, they are most prone to the ill effects of COVID-19.

What can you do to ensure the health and safety of your elderly loved one? Follow these three elder care tips:

1. Give telehealth a shot.

These days, doctor visits don’t necessarily have to take place in person. In fact, it’s highly recommended that appointments are conducted over the phone or through video conferences. That way, all parties get to maintain social distancing, keeping everyone safe from possible infection. Contact your older adult’s physician to determine if a virtual appointment can replace the in-person version.

“While certain conditions may require in-person visits, telehealth is a great option for a number of issues that don’t — things like prescription renewals, rashes, UTIs and joint pains,” notes GetMaple.ca, “Seeing a doctor online instead of in person is one more way for your loved ones to limit their exposure to COVID-19.”

2. Become a consummate clean freak.

While this is a tip that you’re likely taking already, it cannot be reiterated enough. Keep as clean as possible. That means regularly washing your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds each time. As well, be sure to keep your hands away from your face as much as possible.

“Our hands often carry viruses and bacteria to a virus’s port of entry – your eyes, nose or mouth,” Alexis Dobranowski reminds us on Sunnybrook.ca.

3. Try to order groceries in advance of needing them.

We all need groceries. But going to the grocery store in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic can be a bit unnerving. If you’re the caregiver of an elderly person, you’ll want to avoid exposure to others as much as possible. As well, it should go without saying that you’ll want to keep the older adult in your life away from other people.

Order your groceries online so that they can be delivered to your front door. If a delivery option isn’t available, seek the help of a friend or family member you can procure all of your elderly loved one’s needs.

“If possible, order your groceries online for pickup or delivery,” agrees GetMaple.ca, “Many retailers are waiving fees at the moment to make these services more accessible. Pharmacies also deliver, which can help you avoid their long line ups. Demand for these services is understandably much higher at the moment, so give yourself extra time to order so you don’t run out of supplies.”

Does your elderly loved one require assistance with their cleaning routines in the bathroom? Get in touch with LifeCare Mobility Solutions to learn about our home bathroom modifications. Call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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