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3 Signs You’re Working With The Right Stair Lift Company

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we strongly consider ourselves to be a leader in the “caring about people” business. When it comes to offering individuals solutions to their mobility issues, we need to be more than just a provider of stair lifts, porch lifts, wheelchairs and home hospital beds. It’s a must that we provide support, understanding, listening ears and genuine wishes to want to help others improve their lives.

We take our responsibilities very seriously. We know that we don’t just simply sell products. We change lives. Our mobility solutions are literally designed to help those with physical limitations to restore their senses of independence. We know that this is no small matter. Helping individuals walk on their own or access different levels of their homes without assistance reinvigorates their self-worth and confidence. You can’t put a price on that.

However, as Andrews Lewis puts it on SooperArticles.com, “there are companies out there that only care about how much money they can make from you.” As a result, he strongly encourages consumers to do their research on the companies they plan on doing business with. He specifies companies that offer stair lifts, and highlights the importance of working with them to select the right product for a user’s specific needs.

So, how do you know you’re working with the right stair lift company? Here are three signs:

Sign #1: It offers no-obligation in-home consultations.

At Lifecare Mobility Solutions, we offer no-obligation in-home consultations to assist our clients with making decisions they are confident with. By coming to your home, we are able to work together with you on creating a customized solution for the individual with mobility issues in your household.

It’s important for us to know what types of staircases you have and what the accessibility needs are for the stair lift’s user. In some cases, a recycled stair lift may be all that is necessary. It is a worthwhile option if you believe the stair lift may only be in use for a short time and you’re looking to make a cost-conscious choice.

Sign #2: It offers financing options.

Lewis also highlights another stair lift company strength that consumers should look out for. And that is the ability to offer financing options. “This can make getting what you want much easier than trying to buy it outright,” he notes.

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we have over five years of experience working with various funding agencies that help our clients obtain the financial assistance they need to make their homes accessible again. We have vast knowledge of all of the available funding sources, applications and processes necessary to get Ontario residents the funding they need to secure the right stair lifts for their homes.

Sign #3: It offers top-of-the-line products.

We’re quite proud of our fantastic list of mobility solutions and accessibility devices. Our product line includes some of the most highly regarded manufacturers in our industry! Not only do we offer stair lifts from Bruno and Handicare, but we also provide home hospital beds from Invacare and Drive Medical as well as wheelchairs from PowerPlus Mobility and rollators from Triumph Mobility and Human Care.

If you have any questions about the mobility solutions and home healthcare products offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 647-350-4488 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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