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3 Mobility Solutions That Make Fantastic Christmas Gifts

Christmas Day will be here in just a week and a half! You’re likely gearing up for the big day by making plans with your family members and close friends. Do you have any elderly individuals among those loved ones? Does anyone you love live with a mobility issue? If so, the LifeCare Mobility Solutions team would like to remind you that we do offer some wonderful mobility solutions that make fantastic Christmas gifts!

Here are three:

1. Mobility scooter.

Wheelchairs make fantastic mobility solutions for individuals who need to travel short distances. For longer distances, however, mobility scooters are ideal. A mobility scooter is a cost-effective alternative to an electric wheelchair. It can have three or four wheels. It also has a place for the driver to rest his/her feet and a steering column to control the turning and direction of the scooter.

There are two types of mobility scooters: 3-wheel or 4-wheel scooters. Both types can be used indoors and outdoors. 3-wheel scooters provide a tighter turning radius while 4-wheel scooters provide better stability and balance. 4-wheel scooters tend to be offered as more heavy duty or “off road” models as well.

2. Wheeled walker.

Does the elderly loved one in your life use a cane for support? If so, a wheeled walker would make a fantastic gift. There are two main types of wheeled walkers. A 2-wheeled walker is a walking frame with handles that users place ahead of themselves as they slowly take their steps. A rollator walker is made with a different type of walking frame that has handles and four wheels. Rollators are continually pushed in front of their users as they walk.

Wheeled walkers and rollator walkers provide extra support to those with balance and mobility issues. They greatly reduce the risk of falling while walking independently. Wheeled walkers and rollator walkers are reliable, durable and user-friendly. They are also lightweight, making them easy to lift when walking through various types of terrain. As well, these mobility solutions are foldable and easy to store.

3. Travel Buggy.

Do you do a lot of travelling? With the pandemic still being burden, we assume you’re not hopping on planes on a regular basis. However, it’s likely that you do need to get into the car with your family on occasion. Your elderly or physically challenged loved one can easily take part in all of your excursions with the help of Travel Buggy. It is an electric wheelchair that is both lightweight and easy to fold.

Travel Buggy fits in the back of just about any vehicle without the need for any speciality equipment. Its tight turning radius and powerful motors make it perfect for indoor and outdoor use. If you do plan on vacationing out of the country, the Travel Buggy can easily go with you. It is approved for air travel by CATSA, TSA (US) and various other security and aviation authorities. As well, no additional special “Travel Batteries” are required.

If you have any questions about the fantastic Christmas gifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page! Happy Holidays!

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