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3 Main Benefits Of Using A Stair Lift In Your Home

To most people, a flight of steps is nothing more than a pathway to a higher or lower level of a building. A few seconds of time and minimal effort is all that is needed to go from one level to the next. However, for those with mobility issues, a staircase is an obstacle. Travelling up or down stairs is not only a dangerous activity, but one that often cannot be completed without assistance.

Both members of our elderly generation and those who have endured debilitating injuries or illnesses recognize staircases as a lot more than easy-to-use pathways. With slips and falls being such regular culprits for injuries in Canada, it’s important to invest in a solution that will guarantee prevention. Stair lifts are that solution!

What are the main benefits of using a stair lift in your home? Here are three:

1. It increases one’s safety.

The first and most obvious benefit of installing a stair lift is that it eliminates the risk of slipping and falling when using the stairs. Naturally, a fall on the stairs can cause major injuries. A stair lift ensures that a user is buckled in with a seat belt and travelling at a comfortable speed. The speed, of course, can be determined by the user.

There are many other safety features that come with stair lifts. They stop when there are obstacles in the way. They are battery powered so they will still operate in the event of a power outage. And they can be switched off with a safety key when they are not in use to prevent children from using them.

2. It restores one’s independence.

The physical safety of those with mobility issues is not the only thing that needs to be considered when providing them with care. Their emotional well-being also deserves some attention. It’s certainly not easy to be an adult who is incapable of being able to perform otherwise simple tasks independently.

Climbing up and down steps is one of those simple tasks that most feel they should be able to do on their own. With a stair lift, a person with mobility issues can free himself/herself of the worry that a caregiver is being burdened. Stair lifts allow their users to enjoy the independence that comes with moving around their homes without assistance or worry for slipping and falling when using the stairs.

3. It makes all levels of the home easily accessible.

Perhaps, this is actually the most obvious benefit. But it is worthy to mention that stair lifts can be configured to fit any staircase whether they are straight or curved, indoors or outdoors. This ensures all users, regardless of the type of homes they live in, that they will be able to access all levels of their homes. This goes a long way in helping them to live life as they normally would without their mobility issues.

If you have any questions about the stair lifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 647-350-4488 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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