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3 Fun Things You Can Do To Keep Your Elderly Loved One Active

Keeping your elderly loved one active is a very important part of helping him/her to maintain good health. And let it not be lost on you that good health means bolstering both physical and emotional well-being. Consider the many ways in which you can support your elderly loved one’s need to be independent by coming up with fun things to do. This will work to boost both physical and mental health.

Here are three fun things you can do to keep your elderly loved one active:

1. Browse at a book store.

Many seniors enjoy reading. And it probably goes without saying that our older generation isn’t as attached to the internet as millennials are. A book store is a great place to enlighten the mind while also getting in some light exercise. A walk around a book store can be as mentally stimulating as it is good for the body.

“Amazon may have changed the way we buy books, but there’s no substitute for the good, old-fashioned bookstore experience,” says Chelsea Sayegh on UMH.org, “Take a trip to your local bookstore to peruse the shelves, check out the magazine stand, or attend an author reading or event — just one of many ways to make senior visits more meaningful.”

2. Visit a senior centre.

Senior centres offer wide ranges of activities. They also allow for seniors to engage with other individuals their age. Senior centres provide excellent reprieves from the drudgery of sitting in the house all day long. By visiting a senior centre, your elderly loved one can develop new friendships, engage in fun activities and learn new things.

“Naturally not every senior has the same interests or physical and mental abilities,” Kelly Roper reminds us on LoveToKnow.com, “What delights one person may seem completely uninteresting to someone else. Joining a senior center is a great way to meet other people who share similar interests and engage in a wide range of activities.”

3. Scrapbooking.

A trip down memory lane is often a great way for a senior to spend his/her time. And looking at old photographs isn’t the only way to take that trip. The physical act of placing photos and/or hand drawn pictures in a scrapbook is a great way to promote mental stimulation while also providing an all around nostalgia-based good time.

“Scrapbooking for seniors is a trip down the memory lane,” affirms NurseBuff.com, “It’s a fun and a creative way of documenting memories immortalized in photographs and memorabilia pieces. It is also a good form of exercise for the mind since they will be able to recall important events in their lives as they work on their scrapbooks.”

At the end of the day, there aren’t many things more important than helping your elderly loved one to restore his/her independence. At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we are committed to assisting seniors with being able to manage things on their own. We do that by offering a wide variety of mobility solutions that enable those with mobility issues to regain their independence.

If you have any questions about the mobility solutions and home healthcare products offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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