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Why Staying Socially Connected Is Essential For Older Adults

For many older adults, contending with mobility challenges is only a small portion of their daily struggles. Loneliness, isolation and depression are also major factors in an elderly person’s well-being. This is why making social connections should be a greater priority than most think. For seniors, socializing is more than just a way to pass the time. It is a key ingredient in aging happily and gracefully.

Socialization boosts mental health and cognitive function.

Regular social interaction is the equivalent of exercise for the brain. It helps to keep it sharp, focused and engaged. When older adults stay socially active, they work to prevent cognitive decline. Socializing is known to reduce the risk of such conditions as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Taking part in conversations, playing games and participating in activities with friends are activities that stimulate the mind of seniors. Both memory and mental agility improves.

“Maintaining relationships and spending time with others is essential to a senior’s emotional and mental well-being,” affirms Lifeline Canada, “Social interaction for seniors is important as it can help prevent depression, which is prevalent among seniors. In fact, some studies indicate 20 percent of the population over 70 years of age suffer from depression. There are many causes, but it’s often made worse by the fact that people who were once active now spend much of their time alone.”

Being social promotes physical health.

In addition to the betterment of one’s emotional state, socializing can generate a physical health boost. By maintaining a social life, seniors are more prone to be physical active. Taking part in exercise classes or even just going on walks can help to regulate weight and improve blood circulation. Such increased activity also helps to maintain mobility, strength and balance while reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“Socializing has shown that it can reduce the risk of heart disease,” reports Acts Retirement-Life Communities, “It accomplishes this by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. As socializing also helps to reduce stress, it can additionally reduce one of the major risk factors for heart disease…Social interaction can increase the production of antibodies within your system because you’re exposing yourself to different people and situations.”

Socializing strengthens family bonds.

Most seniors wish to age in place because they feel comfortable in familiar surroundings. However, they also want to be at home so they can be near their families. For older adults who rarely socialize with their family members, stress and depression can easily set it. In contrast, regular interaction with children, grandchildren and extended family at family gatherings, celebrations and even everyday moments can become treasured memories. Such socialization can enhance the quality of life for older adults.

Do mobility issues prevent your elderly loved one from socializing?

Porch lifts can help the senior in your family to safely and easily access the front or back of a house. Also known as a vertical platform lift, a porch lift allows individuals with rollators, wheelchairs and/or scooters to easily access sometimes hard to navigate areas. To learn all about the porch lifts offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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