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What Are The Top Benefits Of Using A Scooter For Mobility?

A mobility scooter is a cost-effective alternative to an electric wheelchair. Its primary function is to help people who require assistance traveling longer distances. Scooters can have three or four wheels, a place for the driver to rest his/her feet and a steering column to control the turning and direction of the scooter.

Would a scooter make a sound solution for your mobility issues? Let’s look at some of the top benefits of using a scooter for mobility.

They are inexpensive mobility solutions.

As mentioned, mobility scooters are actually pretty cost-effective options. Their long-lastingness offers a proven way to keep costs down when it comes to increasing your independence and safely improving your mobility. As well, by simply keeping the batteries of your scooter charged, you won’t have to worry about replacing them.

“Batteries perform best when they are being used and charged at regular intervals,” informs Australia’s Bluesky Healthcare, “Most importantly try never to let your batteries go completely flat, as this will damage your batteries.”

They prevent injuries.

Needless to say, individuals who have trouble with balance and/or walking run the risk of slipping and falling. Our blog has long highlighted the fact that trips and falls account for the majority of hospitalizations amongst seniors. Removing the risk of falling is a key ingredient to the overall health of an older adult. However, no matter your age or mobility issue, a mobility scooter can ensure that you safely get from one destination to the other.

“Whether you’re older or just don’t have the physical strength, falls that cause injury become a real risk,” points out the U.K.’s Ucan2 Magazine, “With the aid of a mobility scooter, chances of fall-related injuries are decreased significantly…Owning a mobility scooter limits the physical exertion needed to move around. This freedom can allow for a much more comfortable healing process.”

They increase your independence.

Naturally, mobility scooters are made with individuals who have mobility issues in mind. If you have trouble with walking around on your own, mobility scooters are great solutions. They provide you with safe passage from one spot to another. You remove the risk of injury and ensure you can complete tasks by yourself. As Bluesky Healthcare notes, scooters allow you that great feeling of knowing you can leave the house whenever you want.

“You will also find that you will undertake more tasks by yourself and with more energy as you can ride your mobility device to the shops, do your shopping, without being exhausted from the walk to the shops and not have to worry how you will carry your purchases home,” says their website, “Completing tasks independently and successfully is an essential part of mental well being and maintaining a positive self-image.”

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we offer a variety of high-quality 3-wheel and 4-wheel scooters. They both can be used indoors and outdoors. 3-wheel scooters provide a tighter turning radius while 4-wheel scooters provide better stability and balance. To learn more about our mobility scooters, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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