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How To Teach Older Adults New Tricks

We all know the old adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. But, at LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we don’t subscribe to that way of thinking. We think it’s important to point out that you’re never too old to learn new things.

After all, who wouldn’t want to enrich their lives with new experiences? The older adults in your life could certainly benefit from picking up a few new tricks. Let’s discuss how to go about it the right way!

Encourage some movement.

Not all senior citizens have debilitating mobility issues. For many older adults, a lack of energy is the issue. Read: unhappiness. Encouraging your older adult to get up and on his/her feet will require more than simple instructions. It requires compassion, understanding and friendliness. Kindly encourage your aging parent to join you for a walk or even a little around-the-house dancing to your favourite music. It will be good for both his/her physical and mental health.

“Many seniors lose this desire for movement as it starts to become difficult,” says Chad Fincher of Optimal Home Care, “Seniors can feel tired, sore, or unmotivated quickly, making them less likely to be active every day. It’s crucial to learn from younger generations that movement doesn’t need to mean boring gyms or tedious at-home stretches. There are fun ways to stay active, and it’s especially important for the elderly to maintain the activity level they did when they were young.”

Introduce some new hobbies.

This blogger’s father retired from his career when he was in his seventies. This didn’t prevent the supposed senior citizen from living out some personal dreams. For the first time ever, the 70-something picked up a trumpet and began taking lessons. Within weeks, he was playing songs like “Happy Birthday” with ease. What hobbies can the older adult in your life explore?

“Hobbies are great for older adults with limited mobility,” reports DailyCaring.com, “Activities that don’t require a lot of moving around include cooking, baking, bird watching, knitting, crochet, indoor or container gardening, playing a musical instrument, or learning a language. This is also a perfect time to learn something new – maybe there are hobbies or interests they’ve never had a chance to explore before.”

Clearly explain how to use modern gadgets.

In the year 2021, it’s only fair that everyone gets a fair opportunity to learn how to use modern technology. Smartphones, tablets and laptops shouldn’t be restricted to use by members of the younger generations only. In fact, teaching a senior citizen how to use today’s gadgets will help him/her to feel much more connected to the rest of the world. It can work wonders in diminishing feelings of isolation and loneliness.

“As you move slowly through the different tasks seniors may want to complete using technology, encourage them to write it down,” suggests Miami’s Papa Blog, “Provide a notebook where they can log passwords and usernames (in case the password manager app doesn’t work or they can’t log into it), the URLs of their most useful websites, and details on how to use their apps.”

Does your aging parent need some new mobility solutions? If you have any questions about the products offered by LifeCare Mobility Solutions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@seodevelopmentserver.com. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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