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How To Prepare Seniors For The Warm Weather To Come

Here, in the City of Toronto, we’ve been experiencing unseasonably chilly temperatures lately. Sure, the snow is gone and it isn’t bound to return for many months. But it’s not exactly the warm and sunny spring we’ve come to expect in May. Of course, this won’t last forever. Sure enough, higher temperatures are on the way as we will soon begin to make the transition from spring to summer.

Not everyone is a fan of hot weather though. If you’re a senior citizen, you’re likely in the category of individuals who would prefer that temperatures remain cool. It’s important that older adults not overheat. In many cases, seniors can endure heat stroke because their bodies can’t adequately adjust to higher temperatures. There are, however, some great ways to prepare seniors for the warm weather to come.

Be sure to stay hydrated.

The importance of drinking water cannot be overstated. The need to stay hydrated is an important one for people of all ages. However, older adults are cautioned against dehydration because of their susceptibility to heat stroke and other heat-related illnesses. In the weeks and months to come, make sure that the older adult in your life drinks enough water. Don’t leave the house without a refillable water bottle to ensure cool water is always available.

DailyCaring.com stresses that seniors should drink plenty of cool water throughout the day. “Don’t wait until they feel thirsty,” insists the site, “and avoid alcohol and caffeine.”

Dress appropriately.

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it’s not a tip that’s always followed. Checking the weather report before leaving home is vital to your ability to dress appropriately. On some days, you’re going to need a light jacket. On other days, you’ll want to stick to t-shirts and shorts. Your best bet, however, is always ensuring the senior in your life is wearing something loose and light-coloured.

“Whenever you can, try wearing loose, light-coloured clothes,” encourages HealthInAging.org, “Avoid dark-coloured clothes as they may absorb heat. Top it off with a lightweight, broad-brimmed hat and you are dressing like a pro! These simple changes will help you both stay cool and avoid sunburn.”

Make use of various cool down materials.

Do you own one of those handheld fans? It’s a wise choice to keep one handy in the event your elderly loved one is particularly hot. Keep cool snacks on hand as well. Homemade popsicles are excellent ways to cool down on a particularly warm day. You’ll also want to ensure that the house isn’t too warm, especially during the summer months. Don’t be afraid to use your air conditioner on those warmer than usual days.

“Eat light, cold meals like chicken or pasta salad instead of heavy, hot dishes like pot roast,” suggests DailyCaring.com, “Place a cool washcloth on the back of the neck and a pan of cool water close by to periodically re-cool the towel.”

At LifeCare Mobility Solutions, we’re committed to the health and safety of your elderly loved ones all year round. If you have any questions about the products we offer that can help in that regard, please don’t hesitate to call us at 416-267-9800 or email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca. You may also contact us by filling out the form on our Contact page!

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