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How To Keep Seniors Safe And Comfortable On Halloween Night

Halloween arrives tomorrow! The always-fun and festive time of year is filled with costumes, decorations and a spirit of togetherness that brings communities closer. However, for seniors and those with limited mobility, Halloween can also present unique challenges. Crowded sidewalks, darkened streets and unexpected noises can make the evening less enjoyable and even a bit unsettling.

Do you live with elderly loved ones? What steps can you take to keep them safe and comfortable on Halloween night?

Maintain adequate outdoor lighting.

At this time of year, it gets dark pretty quickly. On Halloween night, the darkness combined with the decorations can make for an obscure lighting situation. It’s wise to keep your outdoor walkways well-lit. This doesn’t just keep your trick-or-treaters safe. It also ensures the safety of the seniors in your home. Consider installing motion-sensor lights near doorways and paths. This will ensure an extra layer of safety, illuminating potential tripping hazards.

“Be sure to illuminate your walkways, driveways and entry points with well-placed outdoor lighting,” encourages Calgary’s Advantage Home Health Solutions, “Opt for pathway lights, solar-powered lanterns or LED string lights. This will enable the seniors in your home to avoid tripping hazards when venturing outdoors. It will also guide trick-or-treaters safely to your door.”

Be mindful of costume choices.

For seniors who plan to dress up or just keep cozy, consider costumes that won’t interfere with their mobility. Lightweight costumes that don’t require face masks or heavy props are best. If a costume isn’t practical, a festive Halloween-themed sweater or hat can bring out the Halloween spirit without compromising safety or comfort. For those who use mobility devices, consider simple accessories or decals that can be safely attached to wheelchairs, walkers or mobility scooters. These little touches can add a festive flair without affecting functionality.

“A great idea for a senior Halloween costume is for them to dress up as a famous figure,” suggests Symphony Senior Living, “Whether it be a general, scientist, president, etc, these types of costumes can often be quite easy to put together. Fortunately, the list of famous figures to choose from is endless. This opens a lot of variety when it comes to DIY costumes for Halloween. Even better, many of these costumes can be put together with clothes hanging in the closet.”

Create an indoor safe space.

It’s not uncommon for older adults to be unsettled by constant noise and commotion. If regular doorbell ringing and front door chatter may disturb your elderly loved ones, it’s smart to set up a cozy and comfortable spot for them in the house. Design a nice watch spot where they can take in the festivities from indoors and won’t need to answer the door every time someone knocks. A power lift chair can help seniors stay relaxed and engaged in the Halloween spirit without added stress on their joints and muscles.

A power lift chair also makes it easy to rise from a seated position to greet visitors if they do wish to participate in the evening’s fun. If you’re interested in learning more about power lift chairs and how they can enhance home comfort, please don’t hesitate to call LifeCare Mobility Solutions at 416-267-9800. You may also email us at info@lifecaremobility.ca or fill out the form on our Contact page!

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